Practices to enrich your Practice.
For Ashtanga Practitioners and Professionals
Learn How To Practice and Teach AshtangaYoga
in a Deeper, Stronger, More Personal Way.
Ashtanga Tech takes a systems approach to the practice and teaching of yoga, with the desired outcome of increased physical, mental, and social well being. .
Learn asana, pranayama, meditation, and mantras.
Yogic philosophy, contextualized. Good on and off the mat. Make sense of it all.
Sports and Conditioning Science
The science of sports conditioning can teach us how to practice with less injury and more clarity.
Teaching Arts
The methodology, business, and strategic planning of teaching Ashtanga yoga.
Our experienced instructors provide personalized attention.
Tap in to a cohort of practitioners from all walks of life.
Meet your instructor
Hi, I’m Michael.
I help people use yoga to enrich their lives.
My mission is to educate and empower folks with effective tools and systems to live a more fulfilling life
I’m a level 2 authorized Ashtanga yoga teacher, personal trainer, and functional range conditioning movement specialist.
I’ve worked one-on-one with thousands of students, studied and taught all over the world, and I’m just as passionate today as I was 20 years ago.
Start going deeper in your practice today.
Find more Joy. Be Your best.
Discover Something Different.
Go deeper in your practice.
Become your own best teacher.