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This course offers a thorough exploration of the Ashtanga Yoga pranayama sequence, tailored to guide students through the intricacies of various breathing techniques and the application of bandhas (body locks). The course is designed to deepen the students’ understanding and practice of pranayama, enhancing their overall yoga practice.

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Introduction to Pranayama and Bandhas: Understand the foundational concepts of pranayama (breath control) and the three primary bandhas (Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, Jalandhara Bandha).
  2. Ujjayi Breathing: Learn the technique of Ujjayi (victorious breath), its benefits, and its application in Ashtanga practice.
  3. Nadi Shodana: Explore Nadi Shodana (alternate nostril breathing), focusing on its calming effects and balance-restoring qualities.
  4. Bhastrika Pranayama: Practice Bhastrika (bellows breath), understanding its energizing impact and connection to the fire element in the body.
  5. Surya and Chandra Bhedana: Delve into the solar and lunar channel breathing techniques (Surya Bhedana and Chandra Bhedana), discovering their influences on the body’s energy systems.
  6. Sitali Pranayama: Learn Sitali (cooling breath), focusing on its cooling and calming effects, especially beneficial in managing stress and overheating.
  7. Integration of Pranayama with Bandhas: Integrate pranayama techniques with bandhas, enhancing control over pranic energy and deepening the meditation aspect of the practice.
  8. Kriyas and Closing Practices: Explore various kriyas (cleansing techniques) and how they complement pranayama practices. Conclude with a session that ties together all the elements learned.


This meticulously crafted 8-lesson course is designed for both beginners and experienced practitioners aiming to expand their understanding of Ashtanga Yoga pranayama and bandhas. Each lesson is structured to provide not just theoretical knowledge but also practical skills. Students will explore various breathing techniques like Ujjayi, Nadi Shodana, Bhastrika, Surya and Chandra Bhedana, and Sitali, understanding their unique effects on the mind, body, and spirit. The course also delves into the application of bandhas, enhancing energy control and stability during the practice. Through these lessons, students will gain a more profound sense of self-awareness, control over their breathing, and an enhanced capacity for mindfulness and relaxation. The course will culminate in integrating these techniques into a cohesive practice, emphasizing the holistic benefits of Ashtanga Yoga.